parents and children
Children (commonly referred to as Sprouts and Hatchlings) are welcomed and encouraged to attend Camp Nerdly! However, there are a couple of basic ground rules:
- Your children are your responsibility. Please make sure that they are supervised at all times.
- Children must be kept away from the adult-only play space (The Abbey).
- When choosing your lodging, parents and families are encouraged to choose C Unit.
kids track
In addition to games that are open to all ages, there are several games that are specifically geared towards children as part of the Kids Track. If you do bring a Sprout or Hatchling, we ask that you consider volunteering to run or assist with a Kids Track activity. This allows for other parents to participate in games and pitches, get their chores done, and generally just gives them a break. It also means that other parents will do the same for you!
Wanna help out with the kid’s track?
This year at Nerdly, our camp nurse will be holding a brief discussion after opening ceremonies with our teenaged campers (ages 11+) about safety and sex. (If you would prefer that your teen not participate in this discussion, you may opt out when you register). The aim of this discussion is to educate and inform our younger Owlbears of the risks of sexual behavior and ways to mitigate them as well as non-judgmental discussion of any questions about sex they might have for a medical professional.
While we will be reminding the teens that we expect them to abide by Camp Nerdly’s “no sexual activity” rule, safer sex supplies will be available on a high shelf in a inconspicuous place (the bathroom in the mess hall).